A Young Person's Musical Guide to the Universe
An Introductory Handbook to Friends, Beings and Phenomena
from over 20 different Solar Systems and Galaxies
Dedciated to the Memory of Liz Gottlieb
THE REPERTOIRE: Baden Bachen Bade, H.A.B.A.N.E.R.A, The Nachty Kleiners,The Nopodies From the Planet Gymno, The Peerless Gynts, Interstellar Pulsar Music from the Mouretian Star System, The Golden Flux, Ave Meringue, The Bell Canons of the Pache Worlds
THE GREATEST HITS OF 2150 was originally conceived by Stuart Diamond and legendary producer Tom Frost (who produced the original "Switched-on-Bach" and "Greatest Hits of..." series for CBS Records). The music-video, one of the first of its kind, featured choreography by Liz Gottlieb and the remarkable real-time video effects of Don Slepian, using an analog Chromalizer video effects box.
The Premise:
What would the classics sound like in the future when played by Aliens from different planets.
Throughout all the light years that we have traveled and the hundreds of planets and places that we have visited, there is one common factor shared by all beings in all galaxies -- an uncommon love for the sounds of music. Whether it be the Artoofons on the planet Galumphrex or the ultra-dimensional Slinkions from Hypo-Space, one can count on the fact that they share the bond of music -- the beauty and grace of harmonic sound.
THE GREATEST HITS OF 2150 is a musical guide to many of the beings, places and things that exist in and around our Universe.
THE GREATEST HITS OF 2150 are the sounds of our Universe. We would like to offer our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all those beings, from every planet and dimension, whose contributions have come together to create this sonic feast.
The Story of a Few of Our Alien Beings
The Gynts are a remarkable race of beings that love to dance. They especially enjoy interstellar swing music and can often be found dancing in their caves late into the night. A Gynt will often dance to the point of exhaustion and then will drop to the cave floor, where it will rest until it has regained enough energy so as to continue dancing until daybreak. Each year the Gynts arrange a huge ball in the largest mountain cave on the planet to honor their King. This is the interplanetary renowned event known as The Ball of the Mountain King. Gynts have an interesting ectoskeleton and internal biology. On the outside the Gynt is covered with rock like incrustations which give the average Gynt a ferocious appearance. However, on the inside the Gynt is a fluffy soft thing with tendencies to be a little too ooey-gooey, as they are known has having a fondness for rock-children and other small pebbles.
Gymno has a strange atmosphere. It is thicker than air and not quite as dense as jello. You can move through it as if you were swimming, float in it, or if you are especially lazy, just lie there and let the currents move you around (though you may not get exactly where you were intending to go to). The result of this environment on the evolution of the beings that inhabit the planet Gynno is that they have never really become any special shape -- just sort of remained blobby --
-- much like the shape of amoebas on Earth, but a whole lot bigger. (This lack of distinct bodily form is why they are called Nopodies.) Nopodies spend most of their time just floating about and looking at each other. What we hear on this record is a dance selection from a high school prom of the Class of 2137 on the planet Gymno.